Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Jennifer Collier Workshop at Hope & Elvis

On Saturday I went over to a Jennifer Collier Workshop at 
Hope & Elvis to learn how to make some paper shoes.

Patterns and lots of ephemera, fabric ...

buttons galore ...

stamps, jigsaw pieces and tags were available
to inspire.

After lots of tearing, sticking cutting and folding
we ended up with beautiful shoes.

 Each one...

telling their own story.

We took a break for lunch.
Time for a bit of purchasing in Louise's
shop of delights.

Well, who could resist all this?

Not me that's for sure. :)

In the afternoon session we were shown several different techniques
for making 'paper'.
This one was done by emptying tea bags and
replacing said tea with beautifulness.

Using an iron (not your best one!) to melt a candle on
teabag of beautifulness and this makes it all 
transparent when given a quick run over with the iron afterwards.

These can either be glued together before waxing or 
sewn together after they are cool.

I must say, I wasn't keen to start with, but
I love the results.

Before I go here are a few other beauties from the day.

These are my favourites.
Made by the lovely Debs  
for her daughters 17th Birthday.

The detail included maps of places they had lived
and a vintage daughter birthday card.

Jam pot shoes.

Toggle shoes.

Finally a great pair of map shoes.

A big thank you to Jennifer and Louise
for such a brilliant day.
We all had lots of fun learning new skills.
Hope you enjoyed the peek into our lovely day.
Daisy xxx


  1. Oh yes it was a lovely day I enjoyed it so much and like you I was not too inspired with the tea bag and wax idea until I tried it. Lots of possibilies. Nellie loved the shoes I gave her them straight away and she cried. Bless her she said she was going to keep them for ever and ever.

  2. Wow, who would've thought, a workshop to make paper shoes, wonderful.....
    Looks like it was heaps of fun and I love all the different pairs of shoes.

    Great use of the teabags, love the look you achieved. I have been collecting stamps and have been looking for a little project in which to use them.

    Hmm, ideas are coming thick and fast........shall have to buy some teabags as leaf tea is the tea of choice in this household, hehehe........

    Claire :}

  3. Aw look at those shoes, "absolutely fabulous, I need some right now" as my grandaughter would say!! You must have had the most fun day choosing just the right papers and designs, the sticky fingers and laughs, and at the end a pair of home made shoes....what a great way to spend a saturday. One day I'll get there and in the mean time I'll dream, Lucey x

  4. Thanks for your lovely comments girls. It all left me buzzing with ideas too!
    Daisy xxx
