Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Janet Bolton - Day One

So here is day one of the Janet Bolton weekend
workshop at the Hope & Elvis studio.
We started the day with a walk up to the Harley Gallery to
see the SMILE exhibition to help give us some inspiration
and one or two of us may have purchased one or two pieces
but I shall mention no names!

This year I wanted to work with brighter colours.
These are a few of the ones I chose from Louise's amazing stash.
After a lovely talk by Janet telling us about what inspired her and 
her method of working we started creating our own pieces.
Choosing background and border fabrics.

I wanted mine to fit into this frame
and had great fun playing about with the fabrics.

Then the hand sewing began.


First sewing each of the border pieces together...

and then attaching them onto the middle piece.
I then stitched another border fabric (in blue)
onto the back to give it an additional frame.
This took me ALL day!

Lots of concentration going on here!

One of Louise's suitcases full of loveliness.

These are some of Janet's finished pictures.

So beautifully hand stitched.

'Mixed Blooms on Blue'

This one was my favourite.
'All Buttoned Up'

See you tomorrow for Janet Bolton Day Two.
Enjoy your evening.
Love Daisy xxx


  1. Nice pictures and lovely to have your sunshine smile in the studio x

  2. Exquisite! Love Janet's work x

  3. Love the style! Find you by Pinterest

  4. what great style. I really want to make a mini quilt like this. Thank you for the inspiration
