The sky this morning spoke
of snow, lots and lots of snow.

George and Ringo were not impressed.

The snow was settling fast.

So I came back inside to begin work in the kitchen.
I found this tree last year. It was identical to one I had as
little girl and just couldn't leave it behind even though
the girls thought it was gross!

Time to update the fireplace.
Out with the pumpkins and in with the lights and greenery.

Stockings were hung, a little early, but they are too beautiful
not to display. Made by
Regina Rose they are created using
antique quilts and are two of my favourite things.

A window display.
Apologies for the cat bowl in the corner!

Another favourite are my knitted Christmas trees.

Made by my lovely Mum, as I can barely knit a scarf!

The kitchen tree sits in the window so it can been seen
twinkling as we arrive home.

Oh look there's that spotty Christmas tree again!
Mini stockings made using vintage bits of quilt.

A red toadstool.

Another stocking by Regina Rose.

A tiny snowman.

This is my little homespun angel
that sits with her basket on top of the tree.

Even the mugs have bells on. :)

Our comfy chair.
This is the one that everyone fights over!

This is actually George's hat
but the clock is borrowing it for a while!

The hallway is finished too.

And finally the pew finished with a Christmas
quilt and cushions.

Well it's still snowing outside so back
to the fire, my sewing and another Christmas film.

Thanks for visiting.
Enjoy your afternoon.
Love Daisy xxx